July 4, 2013
I absolutely LOVE fireworks - always have. Waiting for the show to begin brings back memories of being a young child waiting with anticipation and excitement all day long for the display to illuminate the night sky. By the time the show started at Islip Speedway, we were all exhausted from the days' activities - swimming, playing, eating - As night fell, us kids, in pajamas with sun-kissed faces, joined the other families in the neighborhood who were gathered in driveways on lawn chairs or on front stoops, in preparation for the fireworks show that always followed the races. With lightning bugs flashing and mosquito's nipping, we stretched our necks to see the beautiful colors exploding over the "woods." Great memories, indeed!
We celebrated this holiday last night with our traditional trip down to Calvary of Albuquerque where they graciously put on a free and fabulous fireworks show. It was truly spectacular, as always. This year was a bit different, however, in that we had to wait out the rain. We were ever so pleased to do so, given our current drought. We passed the time away listening to a Brad Stein comedy CD (Conservative Unleashed), which was quite hysterical, I must say.
I pray that you all enjoy your families, your freedom and the sweet smell of rain today.
God bless you in the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Visit calvaryabq.org to hear Skip's Gospel message and view photos of the entire Independence Day event.
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